Article I: Name, Acronym and Byelaws
​The name of this organization shall be The Society of Applied Neuroscience, hereinafter referred to as the Society.
The official acronym of the Society shall be SAN.
The Society shall be governed by these Bye-laws and any amendments thereto. Procedures not specifically mentioned herein shall be determined by resolution of Council, provided such resolution does not conflict with these Bye-laws.
Article II. Purpose
The primary purpose of the Society is to serve the needs of its Membership through:
Advancement of research, development, and training in applied neurophysiology and cognitive neuroscience and their practical applications
Integration of neurophysiology and neuroregulation with behavioural methods in basic and applied science.
Improvement of the clinical uses of applied neurophysiology through high standards of professional practice, peer review, ethics, and education.
Increased knowledge and integration of knowledge about neurophysiology, neuroregulation and reorganisation, and related neuroscience such as biofeedback, neuropsychological rehabilitation, brain-computer interface and transmagnetic stimulation via meetings and educational programs and publication.
Advancement of international integration, cooperation and sharing of knowledge with other societies.
The Society is not to be operated for profit and may not enact Bye-laws inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation.
Article III. Membership
Membership shall be open to any person dedicated to the purposes delineated in Article II upon approval of the membership application by Council and the payment of dues.
There shall be four classes of membership: ordinary, affiliate, honorary and student membership.
Ordinary members. Any person with professional qualifications relevant to applied neuroscience.
Affiliate members. Persons with interests in applied neuroscience but not eligible for the other categories of membership.
Honorary membership. By invitation persons with outstanding eminence and seniority may be offered membership without the payment of dues.
Student membership. Open to students enrolled in degree programmes of higher institutions related to applied neuroscience.
Article IV. Dues
Dues as determined by Council will be collected yearly by the Society.
Article V. Council
The Council shall be elected for two years by the membership and consist of the Officers of the Society and two members of the Society at Large. Each Council member may be re-elected for unlimited terms of office.
Regular meetings of the Council shall be held at least annually at times and places specified by the Council. A quorum at any Council meeting shall consist of a majority of the Council's membership.
In the case of disability or resignation of a Council member, the Council shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term.
Each member of the Council shall have one vote.
Article VIII. Funds
All funds received by the Society shall be used for purposes incident to the fulfilment of the Society's objectives.
Article VII: Committees
Council may appoint committees to act for Council for special purposes, designating their duties and powers in the resolution of appointment. Such resolution must be adopted by a majority vote of the members of Council. Council may also appoint or designate members of the Society to serve as ex officio members of standing committees as deemed appropriate.
Standing Committees shall include but are not limited to the following Committees: Certification and Training, Conference and Workshop Organisation, Conference Programme.
All Standing Committees shall submit to the President, in advance of the Annual Meeting, a written report of their activities and proposals. Members of most Standing Committees shall be appointed for a two-year term, and may be reappointed for additional terms.
Chairpersons may be invited to attend Council meetings but may not vote.